文化放送 ASMR特番 - ASMR Special Programs by PodcastQR


  • 共有

ASMR特番『美容院特番~ディレクターが普段背伸びして通っているおしゃれ美容院によさげな音が転がっていたので、もしかしたらいらないかもしれない細かすぎる音までとりあえず全部録ってみた編~』を放送! 今回の放送では、番組ディレクターが普段通っている美容院に全面協力をもらい収録を実施。まるで聴いている側が実際に施術を受けているかのようなリアルさと形容しがたくも心地よい新感覚をお楽しみください! 今回も “音のプロ”である文化放送の音声技術スタッフが「3Dオーディオ」技術を駆使して収録。 ぜひヘッドフォンやイヤフォンを使用してお聴きください!


文化放送 ASMR特番 - ASMR Special Programs by PodcastQR


This is a special program of ASMR sent by Japanese radio station "Nippon Curtural Bradcasting INC" using 3D audio technology.
Every time it was broadcast, it became a big topic on SNS such as Twitter such as bonfire special program (December 2019, February 2020 broadcast) and fried rice special program special program (April 2020 broadcast).
We produce and edit using "3D audio" technology that gives you the feeling of being in the immediate vicinity. In order to reproduce this sensation of reality, the audio technical staff of the "sound professional", paying attention to the position where the sound is heard in the ear, have produced a finish that cannot be realized by AM broadcasting. It is especially recommended to listen with headphones or earphones.

© Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc.